Natsu No Daisankakkei
Natsu No Daisankakkei
Nico Touches the Walls
Natsu No Daisankakkei
Nico Touches the Walls
Nico Touches the Walls
"Natsu No Daisankakkei" is the tenth single by the Japanese rock band Nico Touches the Walls, released on May 16, 2012. "Natsu no Daisankakkei" is a summer love song featured on the 2012 Calpis Water commercial. For its coupling track, the single includes a new song written and composed by Furumura Daisuke called "Yudachi March". It also contains acover of Shizuko Kasagis "Rappa to Musume", the bands first cover song to be featured on a single. The single comes in three versions: CD only, CD+DVD and a special pack. The limited edition contains a DVD with a live footage of "Natsu no Daisankakkei" performed live at the Makuhari Messe concert in Chiba, and also includes documentary footage of the Calpis Water commercial shoot. The limited special pack is called "Nico Nico Pack", which contains the music video compilation "Library 2", was released on the same day. Download free Natsu no Daisankakkei sheet music now!