Annies Song-John Denver
Annies Song-John Denver
John Denver
Annies Song-John Denver
John Denver
John Denver
Annies Song Annies Song, also known as Annies Song (You Fill Up My Senses), is a folk rock country song recorded and written by singer-songwriter John Denver. The song was released as a single from Denvers album, Back Home Again. It was his second number-one song in the United States, occupying that spot for two weeks in July 1974. "Annies Song" also went to number one on the Easy Listening chart. Billboard ranked it as the No. 25 song for 1974. The Lyrics of Annies Song: You fill up my senses Like a night in a forest Like the mountains in springtime Like a walk in the rain Like a storm in the desert Like a sleepy blue ocean You fill up my senses Come fill me again Come let me love you Let me give my life to you Let me drown in your laughter Let me die in your arms Let me lay down beside you Let me always be with you Come let me love you Come love me again Thanks to sonic and Let me give my life to you Come let me love you Come love me again You fill up my senses Like a night in a forest Like the mountains in springtime Like a walk in the rain Like a storm in the desert Like a sleepy blue ocean You fill up my senses Come fill me again